>>> This is an alphabetical listing of the 1921 Senior Blotter of New Albany High School. I hope this will help those interested in finding information about their ancestor. I will keep adding names until finished.
>>> The following information was listed: Name - Sex - Grade & Graduating Class/Position - Photo/Signature - Page. Abbreviation Table: GP = Group Photo. Note: I listed the Junior, Sophomore, and Freshman classes with a group photo designation, because the name page does not follow the photo layouts. This is why I placed a ? in place of M or F in the sex column. I will leave it up to the reader/researcher to make that determination. It may be an obvoius choice, but I have been surprised before. In some cases, other identified photos in this yearbook have helped me determine the sex.
>>> Other indexed Senior Blotters: 1922 - 1929 - 1930
- Mathes, Mary Katherine - F, Senior '21, Photo; nnpg-8