New Albany High School: Founded in 1853 it was first known as Scribner High School. Since that time it had operated in several locations. In 1905 it was located on East Sixth and Spring Streets remaining there until 1927. The school was moved again, in 1927, to its present location on 1020 Vincennes St., Floyd Co., New Albany, IN.
>>> This is an index of the 1925 Senior Blotter of New Albany High School. Included in this index will be the following bits of information: 1. Name; 2. Sex; 3. Grade & Graduating Class/Position; 4. Notation of a Photo/Signature; 5. Page. Abbreviation Table: GP = Group Photo. Note: I listed the Junior, Sophomore, and Freshman classes under a group photo designation, because the name page does not follow the photo layouts in this yearbook. This is why I placed a ? in place of M or F in the sex column. I will leave it up to the reader/researcher to make that determination. It may be an obvoius choice for most entries, but I have been surprised before. In some cases I will list the sex if the individual was identified in another photo.
>>> I will keep adding names until finished. The current count stands at 239 listings.
>>> Other indexed Senior Blotters: 1909 - 1911 - 1913 - 1921 - 1922 - 1925 - 1927 - 1929 - 1930 - 1931 - 1932 - 1933.
- Amster, Jack - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Appleby, Gregg - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Austin, Leola - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Austin, Mamie - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Baker, Kenneth K - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Bareford, Dorothy L - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-12
- Barrett, John - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Barth, Elizabeth - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Beeler, Gertrude V - F, Senior '25, Photo; pg-12
- Berlin, Arthur - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Bettinger, Losson E - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-12
- Bishop, Harry E - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-12
- Blackiston, Isabelle - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-13
- Bliss, Joe - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Bohannon, Nelson C - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-13
- Borgerding, Mary E - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Borkenheim, Kathryn R - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-25
- Bowling, Margaret - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-13
- Breeden, Ralph E - M. Senior '25, Photo: pg-25
- Breen, Charles - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Breen, Hugh - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Bringle, Gordon - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Brock, Dorothy - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-13
- Brod, Dorothy - F, Staff, Photo: pg-9
- Brod, Dorothy Elizabeth - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-13
- Brown, Charles - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Brown, Paul C - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-13
- Bruner, William - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Bulliet, Jack - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Burns, Robert P - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-13
- Bullett, Paul C - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-13
- Bye, Ruth - F, Staff, Photo: pg-9
- Bye, Ruth N - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-14
- Carver, Brooks T - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-25
- Case, Albert H - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-14
- Clark, Margaret Gayle - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-12
- Coffey, Helen E - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Coleman, Helen L - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-14
- Condon, Joseph B - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-14
- Condra, Mildred - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Conner, Joe - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Craig, Julia - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Crosier, Kermit - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Crowell, Edward B - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Cullen, Vida K - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-25
- Cullins, Frankie L - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-14
- Cureton, Ann - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Curtis, Irma - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Dangerfield, Violet - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Darneal, Roy - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Davis, Harold F - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-14
- Davis, Mary Elizabeth - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-14
- Davis, Opal L - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-14
- Davis, Roscoe - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Day, ?, Miss - F, Faculty - French, Photo: pg-6
- Denison, Kenneth - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Denison, Robert M - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-15
- Denny, Leda M - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-15
- Dillow, Morris - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Downs, Elmer - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Drumb, Mildred - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Eckhart, Carl R - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Edelmaier, Esther - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Edwards, Frank - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Elliot, Charles - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Elliot, Creoia L - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Elliott, Helen M - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-25
- Elson, Eugenia - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Embry, Georgia - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Emery, Evelyn - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-15
- Enslinger, John - M, Staff, Photo: pg-9
- Enslinger, John P - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-15
- Etherton, Robert - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Evans, Herman - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Evans, Marion A - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Evans, Mildred - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Evans, Samuel L - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-15
- Farnsley, Merle - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Fawcett, Hardin - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Fenwick, Agnes - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Ferrel, Catherine - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Fertig, Pearle C - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-15
- Fleischer, Irvin - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-15
- Ford, Joel - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-15
- Gehlbach, Elma Frances - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-16
- Gieser, Fred - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Gilley, Niles - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Gilley, Ronald O - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-25
- Glenn, Gail - F, Staff Photo: Pg-9
- Glenn, Gail G - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-16
- Goodman, Grace Eleanor - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-16
- Gordon, Marion R - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-16
- Gordon, Thomas - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Graff, George - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Gramelspacker, Edwin - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Green, Lillian - F, Staff, Photo: pg-9
- Green, Lillian M - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-16
- Gresham, Henrietta - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-16
- Gribble, ?, Mr - M, Faculty - Auto Mech, Photo: pg-6
- Grimes, Hazel - F, Staff, Photo: pg-9
- Grimes, Hazel E - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-16
- Groh, Ross - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Gross, Marion - F, Staff, Photo: pg-9
- Gross, Marion P - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-16
- Guernsey, Margaret Rosalie - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-17
- Gunn, Herbert - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-25
- Gunn, Maurice - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Gwin, Catherine - F, Staff, Photo: pg-9
- Gwin, Catherine I - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-17
- Haas, Helena - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Hammontree, Henry - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Hanen, Willis - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Hannon, Marion - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Hargrave, Katherine - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Hargrave, William - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Harris, Charles - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Hartley, Wilbert - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Hartling, Charles - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Haskell, Joe - Staff, Photo: pg-9
- Haskell, Joe - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-17
- Hauswald, ?, Mr - M, Faculty - Chemestry, Photo: pg-6
- Hauswald, Harold - M, Staff, Photo: pg-9
- Hauswald, Harold R - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-12
- Hays, Noel - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Hefton, Kenneth - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Herman, Frank - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-26
- Herman, William - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Hess, William R - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-17
- Hinkle, Eva Lee - F, Staff, Photo pg-9
- Hinkle, Eva Lee - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-17
- Hoehler, Alfred - M, Staff, Photo: pg-9
- Hoehler, Alfred E - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-17
- Holz, Francis - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Hoperoft, Ruth - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Horsey, Margaret - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Hubbuch, Dorothy - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Humphrey, Keller H - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-17
- Humphrey, Kaga H - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-17
- Husk, Claude - ?, Junior '26, GP: pg-30-31
- Janes, William - M, Staff, Photo: pg-9
- Janes, William B - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-12
- Jenkins, Charles H - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-18
- Jud, Roma - F, Staff, Photo: pg-9
- Jud, Roma G - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-18
- Kahl, Jeannette - F, Staff, Photo: pg-9
- Kahl, Jeannette - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-18
- Keefer, Erma Virginia - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-18
- Kelso, Paul - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-18
- Kesler, Mary E - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-18
- King, Daisy Margarette - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-18
- Kirk, ? - F, Faculty Advisor, Photo: pg-9
- Klarer, Marian - F, Staff, Photo: pg-9
- Klarer, Marion Craig - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-18
- Koehler, Emma F M - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-26
- Kopp, Cletis L - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-19
- Kraemer, ?, Mr - M, Faculty - Coach, Photo: pg-6
- Kron, Pauline - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-26
- Lane, Ralph Curtis - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-26
- Lawrey, Ruth L - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-19
- Lee, Robert Edward - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-19
- LeGate, Eloise - F, Staff, Photo: pg-9
- LeGate, Eloise V - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-19
- Leist, Samuel C - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-19
- Lewis, Charles S - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-26
- Lewis, Raymond D - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-19
- Lewis, Ruth - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-19
- Linney, Eugene Knott - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-19
- Logue, Marguerite - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-20
- Lomax, Irene - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-26
- Long, Georgia M - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-26
- Mackey, Guy - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-20
- Meredith, Gerald A - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-20
- McClain, ?, Miss - F, Faculty, English, Photo: pg-6
- McCory, Maurine E - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-26
- McCullough, Max - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-20
- McDaniel, Annabelle - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-27
- McMonigle, Bonnie - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-27
- Meyer, Melvin A - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-27
- Miller, Alice - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-20
- Montgomery, ?, Miss - F, Faculty - English, Photo: pg-6
- Moreman, Wade W - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-20
- Morgan, Elizabeth - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-20
- Morris, Elizabeth F - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-20
- Mueller, Adolph C - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-21
- Neeld, Chester - M, Staff, Photo: pg-9
- Neeld, Chester A - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-21
- Neely, Ulrich - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-21
- Nettle, Marvin - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-21
- Newlin, Mildred - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-21
- Norman, Walter - M, Staff, Photo: pg-9
- Norman, Walter - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-21
- Norrington, Kenneth - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-27
- Oates, Edna - F, Staff, Photo: pg-9
- Oates, Edna V - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-21
- Penn, Frances - F, Staff, Photo: pg-9
- Penn, Frances Helen - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-21
- Pennington, Alice Letitia - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-22
- Peters, Homer - M, Staff, Photo: pg-9
- Peters, Homer H - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-22
- Peters, Mary Katherine - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-27
- Phillips, Marjorie - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-22
- Phillips, Nora E - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-22
- Pierce, Gertrude - F, Staff, Photo: pg-9
- Pierce, Gertrude - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-22
- Potts, Dorothy B - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-22
- Richards, Charles E - Died: 27 Mar 1925, Memorial, pg-7
- Rusk, ?, Miss - F, Faculty - History, Photo: pg-6
- Rusk, Helen L - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-27
- Saffer, Esterlene - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-27
- Scharrer, Virgie B - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-22
- Schmidt, Myrtle - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-22
- Seigle, Dorithy M - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-23
- Shrader, Paul Vincent Francis - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-23
- Smith, Dorothy A - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-27
- Snider, Hazel A - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-23
- Spencer, Leo C - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-23
- Stein, Leon P - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-28
- Stockton, Lucille L - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-28
- Sweeney, Harry Ray - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-23
- Taylor, Stanley - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-23
- Thompson, Alice - F, Staff, Photo: pg-9
- Thompson, Alice J - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-23
- Treece, Mary Catherine - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-23
- Tyler, Clell - M, Staff, Photo: pg-9
- Tyler, Clell - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-12
- Umbreit, G Mildred - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-24
- Venner, Olive - F, Staff, Photo: pg-9
- Venner, Olive C - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-24
- Von Almen, Olive - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-24
- Wagner, Ervin J - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-24
- Wells, Mary Louise - F, Staff, Photo: pg-9
- Wells, Mary Louise - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-24
- Wernert, George L - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-28
- Wheeler, Newland - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-24
- Witt, Claude L - M, Senior '25, Photo: pg-24
- Wolf, Alberta Bonnie - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-24
- Wolfe, Dorothy D - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-28
- Wyman, Mollie - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-28
- Zapp, Martha F - F, Senior '25, Photo: pg-25
>>> Source:
- 1925 Senior Blotter; Published/Publisher: [1925] New Albany High School, 1020 Vincennes Street, New Albany, IN 47150.
- New Albany High School - About - History; Published/ Publisher: [2008] New Albany High School, 1020 Vincennes Street, New Albany, IN 47150.
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